Teaching a Child to Ski: 5 Tips You Need to Know

ski nautique for sale near me lewisville buxton marine

One of the best reasons for owning a boat is for the memories you can make with family on the lake. At Buxton Marine, we get it. We love helping families get a boat that fits their needs, whether that is a Super Air Nautique, Nautique Paragon, or a Ski Nautique for sale near me

Once you have the boat, we know you are going to want to enjoy watersports! If skiing is new to you and you’re trying to teach others, here are 5 tips to get you started:

Get Them Comfortable in the Water.

First of all, the lake can be daunting. If they aren’t used to being out in the water, get them comfortable with hanging out alone in the water before pulling them on skis. A great way to start this is with tubing. Children who enjoy tubing learn to navigate the water and get comfortable being out behind the boat – preparing them for skiing, wakeboarding, and other watersports.

Start on Dry Land.

At first, the sensation of putting on skis and holding the rope can feel strange. Before attempting this in the water behind your new Ski Nautique for sale near me, have your child or new skier practice sitting on the ground and putting on the skis outside the water first. Practice the motion of rolling up in the water by giving them a rope and gently pulling them up. All of this preparation will make them feel more at ease when they are in the water behind the boat.

Don’t Go too Fast.

They key with most watersports is that you don’t need to go as fast as you think. When pulling new skiers – particularly children – a speed around 10mph is plenty fast enough to pull them out of the water and get them going! Starting too fast has a tendency to jerk them out of the water too quickly, resulting in a face plant (not fun).

Teach Hand Signals.

As with all watersports, there must be communication between the driver and the rider. The best way to do this is by teaching a child simple hand signals. “Thumbs up!” means “let’s go” or “faster.” “Thumbs down” means “slower!” They also need to be able to alert the driver if they are done and want to stop. These hand signals are imperative for the best ride, and for safety.

Start By Holding the Rope.

Many new skiers, particularly children, have a hard time letting go of the rope when they are in trouble. Instead of tying the rope off to the boat immediately, start by having someone in the back of the boat hold the rope. That way, if the child falls or gets in trouble, the person in the back of the boat can release the rope. 

Ready to Buy a Ski Nautique for Sale Near Me?

In the market for a ski boat like a Ski Nautique?! Head to Buxton Marine today! We have a huge selection of Nautique boats, including the Ski Nautique, and would love to help you find one that best fits your needs.