Caught in a Thunderstorm on the Lake? 4 Things to Do.

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Have you ever been worried about getting caught in a thunderstorm out on the lake? It can be pretty scary. And in Texas, the weather can change at a drop of a hat! One minute it’s sunny; the next an afternoon thunderstorm has blown in.

Did you know approximately 1 in 1,000 boats will be hit by lightning?

What do you do?

Our team at Buxton Marine – with the best Nautique wake boat price near me – shares these 4 things you should do if you ever find yourself caught out on the lake and a storm is imminent:


Get to Shore


If you hear thunder or see dark clouds, it’s time to head for cover. Many boaters think that they can outrun a storm. Others think that because they don’t see any lightning, then they are totally fine. The truth is, if there is thunder – then lighting is there too. So at the first signs of a storm, start heading to the shoreline. If you can’t make it to your dock, then get to another safe place where you can get off the boat and onto land.


Get Low


Common sense tells us that lighting will hit the highest point first. If you can’t get to shore anytime soon, then be sure everyone is wearing a life jacket and move to the lowest point in the boat as possible. Tell everyone to remove metal jewelry. As you do so, pay close attention to not come into contact with metal on board the boat and move toward the center of the boat if possible.   


Remove Conductors


Disconnect electrical and lower antennas or towers if possible. Stow fishing rods so they are not sticking up and out of the boat. Basically, you want to remove anything that may be a lightning conductor in the event that your boat is hit.


Cut the Waves at a 45 Degree Angle


As you are trying to get out of a storm, the safest way to navigate the rough water is to cut into the waves at a 45-degree angle. This gives you optimal control as you glide across the water. And of course, the Nautique with the great Nautique wake boat price near me that you got at Buxton Marine will handle beautifully, even in these treacherous conditions. 


Hopefully, these tips help in the event you should ever need to handle a thunderstorm out on the water. Of course, it’s always important to check the weather report prior to heading out to the lake for the day, and then once on the lake, keep your VHF radio handy in case there are weather updates in the area throughout the day. And of course, if you ever need a Nautique wake boat price near me, come see us at Buxton Marine in Lewisville, Texas!