Pets & Boating: 5 Things to Keep in Mind When Bringing Your Pet On Board

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Boating is such a fun, family activity, you would hate to leave out your 4-legged friends. Many animals love spending time out on the water, but if you haven’t brought them out before, there are some considerations to make it that much more fun, safe, and enjoyable for all. Our team at Buxton Marine – your source for all Nautique boats including Ski Nautique for sale near me – offers these tips for boating with pets:


Let Your Pet Acclimate to Boating


Before you ever bring your pet out on the water, let him get in the boat on dry land. He or she will feel most comfortable if they have explored and feel safe on board the boat on land before it ever takes off on the water. As they explore, look for signs of stress or concern, so that you can discuss with your vet or take measures to mitigate any stress from your pet before you are out on the water. Another great tip is to take them out for a short trip first, then work your way up to longer and longer trips out on the water. 


Have a Boarding and Docking Plan


This may seem like a no brainer, but think through the best way for your pet to enter and exit the boat before getting out on the water. Some animals will just jump up and join the fun; other smaller dogs may need assistance to get on and off the boat. Having a plan can relieve stress for you and your pet when the need to enter or exit arises. Boarding ramps can also be purchased to make these transitions easier for your pet.


Be Wary of Too Much Sun


Just like for humans, pets need a reprieve from the sun to prevent sunburn and dehydration. Be sure to bring enough water on board for your pet and have a bowl handy that they can drink from whenever they would like. Do not give your pet water from the lake, as this can have bacteria, algae, or other contaminants that could make your pet sick. Also – it’s a good idea to have a covered place on board the boat where your pet can lay down and escape the sun when necessary. You can even buy specialty sunscreen to spray on them to prevent sun damage for the extended sun exposure.


Get a Life Jacket for your Pet


Many boat owners don’t think about this, but we highly recommend having a life jacket on board that is specially designed for your pet. You want to make sure the fit of the jacket is comparable to the size of your animal, ensuring the right fit for maximum comfort and safety. A handle for pulling them out and bright colors are also great things to think about on the life jacket.


Plan for Seasickness


Has your pet ever gotten sick in the car? Then they may be prone to seasickness on the Ski Nautique for sale near me too. Talk with your vet to find out what types of medication you can give your pet to relieve the seasickness. Also, look for natural remedies made especially for pets and be sure they do not have excess hair around their paws, an issue that can make some pets feel less sure-footed on land or boat. 


Ready to Get Out on the Water?


Buxton Marine would love to help you and your whole family – including your pets! – get out and enoy time on the water with a new boat from Nautique! We are the #1 Nautique dealer in the country, selling Super Air Nautiques, Ski Nautiques for sale near me, and more! Come see us today.


Good times ahead!