3 Ways to Keep Your Nautique Looking Brand New

When you invest in a beautiful, brand new or pre-owned Nautique, then you’re expecting your investment to last. Nautiques are built with the highest quality craftsmanship, so you can bet they’ll be fun on the lake for years to come, but there are also things you can do to help keep your Nautique looking brand new. Read on to learn a few tips from Buxton Marine – the #1 Nautique dealer in the country!

Clean Out and Wipe Down After Every Use

It’s a pain; we get it! But cleaning your boat after using it will do wonders for keeping everything maintained. Rinse all of the water off, drain, and wipe it down. This is also a great time to inspect for other more serious maintenance issues that may be taking shape and get them fixed before they wreak havoc and become more serious.

Cleanup Cleaning Cleaning Cloth Washing Wiping

Oil Changes are Key

If you’ve been using your boat all summer and haven’t changed the oil, here’s your friendly reminder that it’s probably time! Your oil should be changed after 50 hours of use – or every 4 months – whichever is sooner. It’s also wise to check your oil before each trip out on the lake. Make sure the oil levels are where they should be, and if they aren’t, simply add oil to replenish. This will save you from more serious issues while out on the lake.

Check the Transmission Fluid Regularly

When you spend hours on the lake – turning, speeding up, slowing down, and maneuvering around other obstacles and boats on the lake, then your transmission feels it! Of course, the transmission in a Nautique is one of the best on the market, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t need some attention once in a while. If you’re using your boat regularly during the summer, check the transmission fluid every other week to make sure it’s not low. At minimum, this fluid should be changed out once per season. (So if you haven’t done it since the beginning of the season, it’s time to do it again.) 

It’s the little things that keep your Nautique looking great and running great! Buxton Marine has a full Boat Service Department in Lewisville, Texas where we can perform any routine maintenance and keep your boat like new. Give us a call to schedule your boat maintenance today!