4 Common Boat Anchoring Mistakes to Avoid – Buxton Marine Lewisville

If you’re spending a day at the lake, chances are you’ll be spending some time anchored in the water. Maybe you’re taking a quick break to let kids jump out and swim or maybe you’re anchored near a beach for lunch. Whatever your reason, you’ll want to make sure you’re anchoring properly by avoiding these 4 common boat anchoring mistakes

  1. Anchoring in the Wrong Spot

 First things first, you need to find a good spot to anchor if you are going to avoid boat anchoring mistakes. Don’t attempt to anchor down right next to another boat where the wind may blow one boat into another. Also, it goes without saying that you shouldn’t drop anchor on top of another anchor. Look for an area that is clear of other boats, but also shielded from waves and wind. 

  1. Insufficient Anchor Rode

 Anchor rode is the rope that is attached to the boat and the anchor. Before you drop your anchor, make sure that you have enough anchor rode available for the scope and that the rode is clear of all knots and tangles. 

  1. Insufficient Scope

 This goes along with rode, but scope is the calculated ratio of distance from the bottom of the lake to the top of the bow, multiplied times how much rode you need. Generally you want a 3:1 or 5:1 scope. You can’t just assume because the lake is 10 ft deep, that you only need 12-15 ft of anchor rode. It’s just not enough. 

  1. Not Securing the Anchor Properly

 First of all, the anchor should always be attached to your boat before dropping it. (You knew that already, right?!) After double-checking it, slowly ease the anchor over the bow of the boat – never the stern! Be sure to account for some drag as the anchor secures in the bottom of the lake. If you aren’t sure if your anchor is secure, you can always very slowly put your boat in reverse to test the anchor’s strength. If you’re caught, then you’re ready to go! If you’re in the market for a new wakeboard boat, water ski boat, or wakesurf boat, visit the Texas boat experts – Buxton Marine Lewisville and Buxton Marine Long Cove Marina!