Boating 101: How to Operate Your Boat Safely in a Storm

In Texas, the weather can change on a dime, and this happens whether you are on land or water! If a great day on the lake turns south and clouds begin to roll in, make sure you know how to operate your boat safely in a storm. Here are a few boat safety tips from Buxton Marine in Lewisville, Texas to help you navigate the storm effectively! 

  1. Put Life Jackets On

Locate a life jacket for each passenger and make sure each person on board the boat is wearing one. This is an absolute must in any stormy situation! 

  1. Activate Navigation Lights

In order to avoid collisions, be sure to turn your navigation lights on. It’s smart to give yourself a refresher in using your navigation lights properly before getting on the water this next season. 

  1. Reduce Speed

Keep your boat moving forward to shore, but at a lower speed, paying close attention to your surroundings. Head to shore if it is safe to do so. 

  1. Have a Float Plan

Before heading out for the day, be sure to alert someone to your plans – where you will be boating, how long, etc. This is called a Float Plan and it will give you peace of mind for any day on the lake – stormy or not. 

  1. Cut Waves at 45 Degrees

If you run up against large waves and are trying to operate your boat safely in a storm, try to maneuver your boat to cut the wave at a 45-degree angle. This will help avoid water rushing overboard and into the boat. 

  1. Watch for Signs of Bad Weather

One of the best ways to navigate stormy weather is to avoid it all together. Be sure to check the forecast before going out on the lake, and watch for signs of bad weather rolling in. Head to shore and call it a day if the temperature begins to drop suddenly, you see dark clouds or lighting, or if there are vertical clouds, as all are signs of storms. Buxton Marine – the #1 boat dealer in North Texas – wishes you good times ahead on the lake!