Gel Coat Maintenance: How to Keep Your Boat’s Gel Coat Shiny

As a boat owner, your boat is your pride and joy and you want it to look brand new for years to come. An important part of any boat’s appearance is its gel coat, and unfortunately, over time the boat’s gel coat can dull or cloud. While this cannot always be prevented, here are a few gel coat maintenance tips on how to keep your boat’s gel coat shiny: 

  1. Remove Oxidation in the Spring

 Most boat owners will go ahead and get their boat waxed in the Spring, but not so fast. Oxidation can set in over the winter and waxing over it will just make it permanent. Instead, wash the boat thoroughly, then use an oxidation remover and buffer before any wax is applied. 

  1. Wax – and Then Wax Some More

 If you really want that boat to shine, then a little bit of elbow grease is in order. Start by waxing the boat with a thick paste wax, then follow up with a liquid carnauba-based product to really kick the shine into gear. The liquid wax will need to be reapplied during the season, but does a great job of protecting the bottom layer of wax and pumping up the shine.

  1. Store Away from Sunlight

 UV light is the #1 culprit in making gel coat fade and lack that shine you crave. Whenever possible, plan to keep your boat stored out of the sunlight. Additionally, if you take your boat to the ocean, be sure to wash all the saltwater off afterward, as the saltwater crystals magnify the sun and break down the shine. 

  1. Follow Each Cleaning with a Wax

 During the summer boating season, if you find that you need to use a cleaner or de-greasing product on your boat, be sure to wax again afterward. Boat cleaners often do a great job of cleaning, but do little for gel coat maintenance and break that wax coat down quickly. Call Buxton Marine in Lewisville, Texas or on Cedar Creek Lake anytime for gel coat maintenance in Texas