Wakeboarding Tips: How to Make it Look Easy

Wakeboarding is just one of those things that comes easier to some than others. We’ve seen lots of people just pop up on a wakeboard with little technique, and then others consistently struggle. Regardless of your skill level or aptitude for wakeboarding, here are a few wakeboarding tips from Buxton Marine in Lewisville, Texas to help you make it look easy: 

Squat in the Water.

As you’re waiting to be pulled up, get your body as close to the board as you can in a squatting position. The closer your center-of-gravity is to the water and the board, the easier it will be for you to balance as the boat pulls you up. Once up, then you can start to stand. 

Determine Which Foot Should be in Front.

If you have trouble getting up on the wakeboard, another one of our wakeboarding tips is to simply switch your foot position and put the other foot out front. So if you’ve been trying to swing the board around with the right foot out front, try shifting to the left instead. Sometimes the answer is just this simple! 

Ask the Driver to Go Slow.

Many inexperienced drivers think “faster is better.” This is not the case! One of our wakeboarding tips is to make sure you are going within 14-18 mph, as to help the wakeboarder gain stability.

Use a Shorter Rope.

Sometimes slack in the rope can be hard for a new rider to manage. Try using a shorter rope – maybe one that’s 20’ behind the boat – to help the wakeboader. 


This is going to be fun! Now just make sure you’re being pulled behind a Nautique for the best ride on the market. Good times ahead! Call Buxton Marine today to take a test-drive on one of our beautiful Nautique models available now at our Nautique showroom in Lewisville, Texas or Long Cove Marina.