Boater Safety: What You Need to Know About Boating in Fog

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Have you ever been stuck out on your boat in foggy conditions?

It can be extremely disorienting.

As a boat owner, it’s important to be prepared for many different scenarios, including fog conditions. Read on as our team at Buxton Marine – the best dealer if you are looking for a GS22 Nautique for sale near me – explains a few safety precautions to take when boating in fog:

Why is Fog Dangerous?

First off, you may be thinking to yourself, “Is boating in fog really that bad?” You’re only thinking this if you’ve never done it! As we said earlier, the experience can be extremely disorienting. Boating collisions are one of the biggest dangers on the lake period, and your risk of collisions goes up greatly in foggy conditions. You may hit other boats, stumps in the lake, docks, or even run ashore. Secondly, you can get lost. Even if you know the lake well, fog can really turn you around and make you lose your sense of direction.

What To Have on Board in Fog Conditions

In order to be prepared for possible fog conditions on a GS22 Nautique for sale near me, here are a few things you should always have on board:

Sound signaling device: If fog hits, you are required to let out several sound signals per minute to alert others that a boat is nearby. Air horns are great for this; they are easily portable and very loud. Whistles are also useful. Have both of these on board your boat at all times.

Radio: Go ahead and preset your radio with the weather station information so you are ready to go should visibility be reduced and you need to check the weather. This is also useful if you are concerned about storms or other issues on the water that day.

Map/compass: Technology is great, but as a backup plan, keep a compass and a physical map tucked away in your boat for safe keeping, You never know when these can come in handy, especially if you are less familiar with the lake you are boating on.

Flashlights/Flares: Always handy, flashlights and flares can also be useful during fog to help others know your whereabouts. Have these items on hand at all times aboard your boat.

Create an Emergency Fog Plan

Before you set out on the boat for the day, review the safety rules and protocols with all on board. Sure, this sounds tedious, but you want everyone prepared should an issue arise. Make fog preparations a part of this plan. Give everyone on board the boat a job, should bad weather like fog hit. Also make sure everyone knows where to find their life jacket quickly and calmly.

Ready to get out on the lake? Buxton Marine has lots of new Nautique boats for sale now, including the GS22 Nautique for sale near me. Good times ahead!