Don’t Buy into these 4 Boat Ownership Myths

Are you sitting at home this summer, just wishing you could be out on the lake?

You can!

Boat ownership is more attainable than you think. 

At Buxton Marine, we sell many Nautique boats, including the GS22 Nautique for sale near me. We talk to many people. We often hear excuses as to why someone can’t buy a boat that simply aren’t true.

Don’t buy into the lies! Here are 4 common myths about boat ownership:

1.     It Won’t Get Used Enough.

Many people fear they will buy a boat, be excited about it for a season, then rarely use it. We understand this concern! The truth is, once you get behind a Nautique and begin using it, you’ll likely fall in love. Nautiques handle like a dream and boating is a perfect bonding experience for families. Friends will love spending weekends on the lake. Oh it will get used! Don’t let this fear stop you from buying a wonderful new boat.

2.     It’s Too Expensive.

This is the top concern we hear from those who visit our boat dealership in Lewisville, Texas. Many wonder if a boat is just going to be too expensive for them. True, boats are an investment and there are many factors to consider in order to make a wise boat purchasing decision. But at the same time, finding a boat at a price point that works for you is one of our favorite things to do! We love matching potential boat owners with boats for hours of fun on the lake. At Buxton Marine, we offer many pre-owned and new models like GS22 Nautique for Sale in Lewisville, from a variety of manufacturers, so there is sure to be something that fits your needs. 

3.     It Will Constantly Need Maintenance.

Again, we know that boats do require some money for regular service visits and maintenance, but they don’t have to be money pits! When Buxton Marine sells pre-owned boats, we check out each boat before selling it, making sure it is in top condition and any imperfections are noted prior to sale. Our goal is to be upfront with you about all costs, but we also know that regular service and maintenance can go a long way toward maintaining your boat for the long haul. 

4.     I Don’t Know Where to Store It.

Yes, this can seem overwhelming if you don’t have anywhere at your home to store the boat, but there are many storage options around if you start asking. Ask other friends with boats where they store their boats. Ask what they like about various options. Boat slips are great and super convenient, but they are also one of the pricier options. You can save money by using a storage facility that is further removed from the lake. Look for one on the way that would be convenient to you. This will all help you justify the purchase of a GS22 Nautique for sale in Lewisville, Texas. 

GS22 Nautique for sale in lewisville buxton marine.jpg