Buxton Marine Lewisville Celebrates National Safe Boating Week!

At the premier Lewisville boat dealer, Buxton Marine, safety is one of our top concerns. Not only do we want you to have fun on the lake, but we want everyone to arrive home safely. National Safe Boating Week is May 20-26, 2017, and in honor of Safe Boating Week, Buxton Marine wants to review a few important safety tips: 

  1. Life Jackets are a Must

It’s not enough to have the life jackets on board with you; they must be accessible! Better yet – keep it on you at all times! A study by the US Coast Guard shows that of the drownings that occurred in 2015, 85% could have been preventable if the person had been wearing a life jacket. Of course, children must wear a life jacket at all times.

  1. Never Drink and Drive

This is a no brainer, but with Memorial Day and National Safe Boating Week coming up, Buxton Marine reminds you it’s never okay to drink and operate a motor vehicle – on land or water.

  1. Take a Boater’s Safety Course

New to boating? Taking a boat safety course is always a good first step when getting started. Furthermore, anyone born on or after Sept. 1, 1993 is required to take a course if operating a boat with a 15p horsepower or more.

  1. Use an Ignition Safety Switch

An ignition safety switch a device that allows the boat to shut off, should the driver be thrown from the boat or unable to operate the boat any longer. The US Coast Guard reports that using an ignition safety switch properly could reduce boat-related deaths by 89%!Have a safe and fun Memorial Day Weekend and help Buxton Marine spread the word on National Safe Boating Week! And should you need a new boat to get you started, call the number one boat dealer in Lewisville, Texas – Buxton Marine!
